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278 A Street, Unit 4
Friday Harbor, Washington 98250

(360) 378-0150

Our mission is to provide the highest caliber, most professional instruction on San Juan Island. We specialize in programs that create leaner, stronger, more flexible and well balanced bodies. We are fully qualified to assist your physical therapist and other specialists with a rehabilitation program through corrective exercise therapy. The Studio offers individual and semi-private sessions in the Pilates method plus a dynamic schedule of group exercise classes.

Debbie Rishel

Debbie Rishel


Debbie is a Certified Trainer in the GYROTONIC® and GYROKINESIS® methods as well as the Gyrotonic Jumping Stretching Board & Archway. She continues to train under Gyrotonic Master Trainer Karen Mullen. Debbie has a passion for sharing the joy of movement with others and the knowledge to help people of all fitness levels achieve their goals. She strives to guide her clients to achieve a higher level of understanding their bodies, and in doing so not only heightening their physical awareness, but uplifting themselves on an emotional and spiritual level. Debbie has a natural affinity for movement and a keen eye for the kinetic needs of others which individualizes her work with clients to achieve increased core control, strength, flexibility and stamina.

Lifelong San Juan Islander, she has a deep-rooted connection to the outdoors with a daily wellness intention to run, hike, and/or swim. Debbie’s connection to The Studio keeps her calm and provides an outlet of joy from her busy work life. Her husband and two grown children keep her grounded.