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278 A Street, Unit 4
Friday Harbor, Washington 98250

(360) 378-0150

Our mission is to provide the highest caliber, most professional instruction on San Juan Island. We specialize in programs that create leaner, stronger, more flexible and well balanced bodies. We are fully qualified to assist your physical therapist and other specialists with a rehabilitation program through corrective exercise therapy. The Studio offers individual and semi-private sessions in the Pilates method plus a dynamic schedule of group exercise classes.

Laurie Spaulding

Laurie Spaulding


Laurie grew up here on San Juan Island, always outdoors exploring the beaches, riding horses, biking and hiking. She left the island to pursue a degree in Art. Her junior year of college took her abroad, where she attended University in Avignon, France. For months, she traveled Europe trying to visit as many countries as possible and, more importantly, to step foot in every art museum she came across.

Following her heart she returned to San Juan Island to raise a family and with a love of cooking took up a job for the University of Washington managing a busy food service program. The balancing act of full time work and raising children was stressful, and she turned to yoga as a place to center herself. She quickly realized that the more she moved the better she felt and began to take as many exercise classes she could.

When The Studio opened with Pilates classes, Laurie decided to give it a try. It was a brand new experience and a challenge. She felt her body get stronger and, after each class, she would feel light and energized. Intrigued, she took a history of Pilates class and decided that she wanted to learn everything she could and share this amazing exercise with others. After an anatomy class, Laurie enrolled in Polestar’s Comprehensive Pilates Instructor Training. Now, working with The Studio as a Pilates Instructor is a dream come true. Laurie is also a certified Barre Instructor while she continues to work towards becoming a Certified Trainer in the GYROTONIC® method.

Laurie would like to help you experience the connection between your moves, your mood, and your mind.